It is time that I come back to my roots in writing. I started keeping a journal before I knew how to write, twice even writing on the walls in our old house. I miss writing about the little things in life. I have another journal for the deep things, and we may get deep here too-- we'll see where the words lead me. None-the-less, it's time to look at the little things in life and make note of them.

The little things are most often what make the largest difference.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring will always make me think of you.
I'm remembering how sentimental I am.

I've forgotten how much change, even in its slightest form, alters how we see our once familiar home.

I am appreciative of what ten hours in a car can do.

I wish there was something I could do to wash away the worry of others.
This brings me back to the little things.

I struggle with those who have money and those who don't. I wish our world could even it out.
This too brings me back to the little things--
I'm humbled by those who act selflessly.

I pray for sensitivity and clarity of sight for how and when I can give of myself
(in whatever way that might be).

When I miss where I was, I remember what I have.

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